Joint and limb bandaging | Friends of PolarBear
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Joint and limb bandaging methods

Sprained ankle first aid procedures

Sprained ankle management using horseshoe compression pad and elastic bandage

sprained ankle first aid procedures.jpg
  1. Position your foot at 90 degrees. 

  2. Put the “U” pad at the ankle bone. 

  3. Start the bandage at the ball of your foot, wrap once around the foot. Apply force evenly. 

  4. With the bandage at the top of your foot, circle the bandage around your ankle.

  5. Go behind the calf to the opposite side of your foot and come back to the little toe on the top of your foot. 

  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 in a figure of 8 pattern, with each wrap covering 2/3 of the previous wrap.

  7. Continue wrapping until the bandage is finished. The elastic bandage is self adhesive.

  8. Check your circulation after bandaging. Press the big toe until it turns pale, release and blood flow should return straight away. Check for any numbness or tingling sensation.

Apply "RICE" or seek medical assistance after leaving the trail.

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First aid bandaging for sprained wrist/hand or securing dressing on hand

Hand and wrist bandaging.jpg
  1. Begin with the bandage at the wrist. Wrap bandage once around the wrist to hold the end in place. Apply force evenly. 

  2. Go up diagonally across the palm/back of the hand to the index finger. 

  3. Circle once around the lower 1/3 of the fingers (1 round). 

  4. Come back from the palm/back of the hand to the wrist. 

  5. Continue until you cover the whole hand/dressing. Each turn covers 2/3 of the previous turn (figure of 8). The elastic bandage is self adhesive.

First aid Limb, elbow or knee joint bandaging

limb, elbow or knee bandaging.jpg

Simple Spiral Bandaging

Suitable for securing dressing in upper arm, forearm, thigh, and calf. 

1. Start the bandage under the wound. 


  • Wrap the bandage round once. 

  • Apply force evenly. 

  • Continue to wrap the bandage up the limb, winding in spiral turns. 

  • Each turn of the bandage overlaps 2/3 of the previous turn. 

  • The elastic bandage is self adhesive.

Divergent Spica Bandaging

Suitable for securing dressing on the joints such as elbow and knee.


  1. Start the bandage in the middle of the joint (elbow or knee), Wrap the bandage once round the joint. Apply force evenly. 

  2. Continue to wrap the bandage around the joint in a 2 step fashion:      


  • Circle 1 round under the joint, followed by 1 round above the joint.

  • Each turn of the bandage overlaps 2/3 of the previous wrap.

  • Continue until you cover the dressing. 

  • The elastic bandage is self adhesive.

To check your circulation after bandaging:  

  1. Press the big toe until it turns pale, release and blood flow should return straight away. 

  2. Check for any numbness or tingling sensation.

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